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Hey Rowers!

Can anyone else feel the excitement? We are at the tail end of 2022. As in 2020, the Sequel. The year that began with shattered hopes of a new normal as Wave Three came along, closed borders again, and travel all over the world ground right back to a standstill.

2023 however, (a.k.a. Twenty Twenty: 3) is an end-of-trilogy movie I hope to enjoy!

We've spent the last two years travelling extensively, if only in our minds. We are ready to launch this coming Spring a new point-to-point trip down the coast of Tuscany, starting in Livorno and ending on Elba Island, enjoying Etruscan history, amazing seafood, and breathtaking vistas along the way. This trip is planned for May or September and will be held primarily in coastal fours with a visit to the Filippi headquarters, excellent wineries, and natural springs.

We will also be launching a trip in Croatia with an add-on in Puglia, as well as revamping our Sicilian Experience to include even more of the amazingness that this island has to offer.

Keep an eye on our Weeks pages and meanwhile... some pix from our previous Sicily trips!

Cruising on Mondello Bay near Palermo

The fruits of our efforts after a cooking class in Sicily

Did we mention just how much history is oozing out of every nook and cranny here?


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